Friday, October 14, 2011

Fabulous Friday

Wow, I don't know where the week went!  We were very busy with our apple investigations and making applesauce.  This morning we completed part of our Apples to Applesauce science investigations sheet.  We learned how to write a procedure using transition words. We also hypothesized how solid apples turn to liquid sauce.  Our discussion also led to how matter changes states by changing temperature.  We discovered that we used 3 single substances to create our applesauce mixture.   After our great discussion we finally started the crock pot and smelled apples all day.  Our afternoon was short because we had a practice evacuation drill that took a good 25 minutes.  Our class did very well by the way.  We were not able to have library checkout due to the drill, so I will have kids check out throughout the day on Monday.  We have started our new math book and are looking at ways to write numbers to 1000.  We are having to write numbers in words which is a new skill for second grade.  The students are doing pretty well.  We will talk about expanded notation on Monday.  I will be putting new math homework in next week's packet that comes from the new program.  Enjoy the pictures from our tasting of applesauce!

1 comment:

  1. Hassan said that the applesauce was delicious and not only did it taste good, but it smelled good too. His favorite part of making the applesauce was eating it.
