Friday, February 10, 2012

Market Day

This poster has all the requirements: product description, price, picture of product, name.

I'm resending home the page in the Market Day packet that gives the guidelines and grading rubric for the Market Day poster.  The poster is due on February 24.  Students will have to stand in front of the class and give an oral presentation of their poster.  Encourage your child to practice this at home.  They need to speak in a loud, clear voice.  I will be sitting at the back of the room to listen to the presentations.  Speech is a necessary skill to learn and this is a good time to overcome shyness of speaking in front of a crowd.  I have some pictures posted of past products and posters.  The students have seen two slide-shows of pictures in class so they know what is expected. 
These are magnets made with popular characters.
Beenie Babies made with baby socks and filled with rice.

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