Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 6, 2012

Did I really just type the word November?  Hard to believe, but we have just finished the first quarter of school.  I would like to talk about students writing in this post.  Writing is always considered one of the hardest thing to teach students because there is so much to teach when you really think about it.  Writing includes grammar, punctuation, constructing sentences, organizing thoughts, and choosing words that will interest the reader.  As I sat with the other second grade teachers and we were looking at the writing work of our students we really realized how much thought is required for one writing piece.  We also realize that our students are seven and eight years old, and what we expect of them now was what we did in sixth grade.  Writing standards for students today compared to when I was in grade school is dramatically different.  
     In order to help motivate my class, I showed them some "mini movies" that past students and I created with their writing.  The class was mesmorized when they watched these short stories on the big screen.  Students now have the choice during writing to work on their own or with a partner to create a fictional story or an informative writing piece that can be turned into a mini movie.  They must submit their writing to me for review before it can be made into a movie.  This project seems to bring out the best in student writing because they know the standard is high for me to make the writing into a movie.
     Writing instruction this week will be a review of great beginnings, transition words and how to add detail. We will look at books to see how real authors start stories and I will teach them how to start a piece with a question.  Some transition words include: first, next, then, and finally.  When I meet with students I tell them to tell me first what they want to write, then tell them to write what they said.  I then tell them to reread what they wrote.  Rereading is the most important part of writing, because it helps kids to make sure they did not leave out words and helps them organize their thoughts.
      I teach them to add detail by having them read the last sentence they wrote and then ask them what else they can say about that idea or topic.  For example, I wrote the following in class: One hot July day, my family and I went to Michigan Adventure.  (What else can I say about Michigan Adventure?) Michigan adventure is an amusement park and water park. (What else can I say about amusement or water park?) We decided to start our day in the water park. Each time I write a sentence I then reread it and decide how I can add a detail about the last topic.
     In Math we are nearly finished with Chapter 3 on subtraction.  The students are getting really proficient with borrowing across the tens and hundreds place.  We will hit subtracting across zeros again to reinforce this concept.  We started Math Journal as a choice during math time.  Students have a math writing journal where they copy a short problem. Students then have to solve the problem and explain how they came up with their answer.  This is a worthwhile activity because it includes reading, problem solving, and writing.  Their higher level thinking skills will be developed through this activity.  Students can use drawings to solve the problem if necessary.  The first problem students tried was: 16 paws. How many tigers?  There are many ways to solve this. Most students drew the tigers and counted.  They said they kept adding four until they came to 16.  This problem is using multiplication, repeated addition, skip counting or division, depending on how your child chose to solve it.  I look forward to the progress they make in this new area of mathematics.  Our upcoming chapters include:

  • Chapter 4: Addition and Subtraction models to help with word problems
  • Chapter 5: Multiplication & Division (How to)
  • Chapter 6: Multiplication Tables, 2, 5, and 10s
  • Chapter 7: Metric Measurement of Length

Halloween Party
Thank you all for all the help in making our Halloween Party a great success.  The kids had a great time. Mrs. Teer came in and took pictures for us.  I'm looking how to upload to a web based album that is an invite only space for you to view pictures.   I want you to be able to see the pictures of your children and be able to order prints if you want or simply download them to your computer/phone.  I'll let you know via email if I find something.  If you have suggestions, please shoot me an email.

Upcoming Dates:
November 8: Picture retake day. We will do our class picture this day.
                     Evening Conferences
November 9: No school
November 22-23 No school
December 22-January 6 Winter Break

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